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Cameron Highlands is located in Malaysia's Titiwangsa Range. Due to the highlands' relatively high altitude, the ambient air and local weather are almost temperate.
With average daily temperatures ranging from a positively fresh 17 degrees C at night to a comfortable 23 degrees C during the day, spending some time here tends to be quite pleasant to body and mind, and as a result, according to some, salubrious.
Resembling a summer paradise, Cameron Highlands was once the getaway location of choice for officers and their families during British rule in what was then called Malaya. Since then, Cameron Highlands has evolved into a bustling tourist destination for locals and overseas travelers, alike, with excellent value for money hotels.
Its decidedly cooler weather is also the reason Cameron Highlands has become Malaysia's agricultural centre for fruit, flowers and vegetables that perhaps are more commonly grown in colder geographical regions.
Apart from the enjoyable weather, the countless nurseries, tea plantations and plentiful locations that offer delicious meals, the renowned Cameron Highlands wooded areas and their must-see tracks and trails are a major draw too, as they offer breathtaking sceneries and a wildlife that is very distinct from the tropical plains below.